PGIM Investments: Compelling Growth Ahead

The past few months have been a white-knuckle experience for equity investors around the world. A rollercoaster ride of frenzied trading and sky-rocketing valuations has left some experts scratching their heads. However, others have seen the market’s rise as a symptom of a larger, secular trend: the shift to a New EXceptional Technologies (NEXT) economy.

As analysts from New York to Tokyo were trying to make sense of the stock market’s gyrations, Jennison Associates, PGIM’s specialist in fundamental growth equity investing look at what to expect in the upcoming months, and in the longer term. Jennison’s portfolio managers Thomas Davis and Sara Moreno sat down to examine the current investment landscape.

Their discussion covers the ongoing face-off between value and growth, disruptive innovation coming out of emerging markets and around the world, and the complexities of indices within developed and emerging economies.

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