Fossil fuels: ‘reports of my death are greatly exaggerated’

Despite a wider uptake of alternative energy, fossil fuels like natural gas, oil and coal are here to stay for the next decades and the MSCI Global Energy Composite index will outperform both renewable energy stocks and the broad equity market over the next year, JP Morgan Asset Management said in its 2022 Annual Energy Paper.

Fuss over natural gas and nuclear power in EU taxonomy

On the last day of the year, the European Commission secretly circulated a plan to classify the fossil fuel natural gas and nuclear power as ‘sustainable’ investments. It seems the Commission will not publicly consult on this plan - the second chapter of the EU ‘taxonomy’ - while it did so three times for the first chapter, which dealt with renewable energy. 

Analysis: is EU now the turtle of sustainability?

Just a few weeks after the UN climate conference COP26 in Glasgow, one of the European Commission’s most important initiatives in recent years is under fire: the “EU Taxonomy”. The reason is a number of EU Member States that want to admit natural gas - and even nuclear energy - to the list of green energy sources. Europe suddenly risks becoming “the laggard of the world”, critics have warned.

Green investing rules nuanced

Be under no illusion. Discussions around the EU green investing taxonomy are likely to go to the wire. Although April saw publication of a likely draft text, complex political discussions are set to continue. This will have implications for suitability assessments and product governance, which will impact the operation of Mifid companies, thus affecting UCITS Mancos, AIFMs and insurance companies.