Chahine: European equities & value most attractive now
Chahine Capital’s macroeconomic analysis shows that European equities and value are now the most attractive in this cycle. The European risk premium is particularly high. Italian equities have strong rationing potential.
This emerged from an interview with Julien Bernier (chief investment officer) (photo) of Chahine Capital. Among other things, the Luxembourg-based manager will use macroeconomic analysis to define four distinctive pillars, namely economic momentum, monetary policy, valuation and a behavioural component.
Columbia Threadneedle: no worries on record stock prices
“As corporate profits are rising much faster than expected, high valuations in the equity market are falling fast. Equities therefore remain attractive,” said Natasha Ebtehadj, global equities portfolio manager at Columbia Threadneedle, in a recent conversation with Fondsnieuws, Investment Officer Luxembourg’s sister publication.