Top 5: Japanese value stocks hitting back

Japanese shares were hot in the 1980s, but the bubble has deflated mercilessly in the decades that followed. The high point that was reached in 1989 was never reached again. Especially funds in value shares seem to have fallen victim to the disinterest of investors in recent years. Now Japanese value stocks are hitting back.

Japanese value stocks in particular performed relatively well in 2021 and have continued to strengthen in the first two months of this year. The 1980s marked the heyday of the Japanese stock market.

JPMorgan AM: equities are a good inflation hedge

In its outlook for 2022, JP Morgan Asset Management makes no bones about the fact that equities remain attractive, even if inflation sticks around a bit longer than expected. In times of inflation and negative real interest rates, equities have almost never given a negative return in the past, according to JP Morgan’s outlook with chief strategist Vincent Juvyns (photo).