At Commenda, family assets strive to improve the world

Where “old money” mainly sought to leave wealth intact, “new money” is going out into the wide world - to make that world a better place. Frederik Redelé, managing director of Amsterdam-based multi-family office Commenda explained to our Dutch colleagues in a Q&A session how he helps high net worth entrepreneurs make an impact.

UBS Bubble Report: it's ‘game over’ for housing markets

Housing markets in major cities across the world face a “prolonged stagnation” in purchase prices and a price correction. House owners and real estate investors should not expect the market to trend sideways. It’s “game over” for housing markets, Swiss bank UBS writes in its latest Real Estate Bubble Report.

With a rise in interest rates, finance costs have increased while financial markets across the world have been rocked by geopolitical developments and severe declines in asset prices. 

Spacs still prospering despite challenging conditions

Spacs – special purpose acquisition vehicles – had a very good year in 2021, with some 600 Spacs raising 165 billion dollars but they are, like the rest of the economy, adapting to the new post-Covid economic reality. Many investment banking and legal experts active in the Spac field see them continuing to do well.