Climate risks insufficiently priced in by real estate investors

Natural disasters can have a severe impact on the real estate market, yet investors appear unaware of this looming risk. A correction in real estate stocks seems to be lurking.

Portfolio manager Lucas Vuurmans of Amsterdam-based investment bank Van Lanschot Kempen discussed this with For the U.S. office market, a correction is anticipated due to climate risks averaging more than 3 percent. In riskier areas, the decline in value could even reach 10 to 12 percent.

Robeco exits Dutch retail market with sale to Evi

A major shift in the Dutch retail investor market. Netherlands’ largest fund house Robeco decides to focus entirely on institutional and wholesale investors and, with pain in its heart, says goodbye to retail investors. With the takeover, Evi van Lanschot suddenly comes of age.

In one fell swoop, Evi, the retail arm of investment bank Van Lanschot Kempen, gains 125,000 new clients. That is a six-fold increase in the client base. Assets under management jump from 1.3 billion euros to six billion.