Asset owners see tech reducing dependence on managers
Disruptive technology is shaping nearly every aspect of the global asset management industry, from growth and competition to innovation and acquisitions, according to PWC’s Asset and Wealth Management Survey 2024.
Luxembourg’s financial sector set for wider adoption of AI
Although usage of artificial intelligence in the Luxembourg financial sector is currently fairly limited and still at an early stage, the grand duchy is set for wider adoption of artificial intelligence in the near future, according to a survey carried out by BCL, the central bank, and financial supervisor CSSF.
In the infinite world of AI, anxiety threatens investors
The data science revolution is sweeping the investment industry. Some firms are looking to create an in-house solution combining artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science. Picking the right data set, and separating the wheat from the chaff, is critical.
Disruptors like ChatGPT pose new legal challenges
Communication technology continues its rapid development, but it’s inevitably affected by the world that it serves, so it must contend with concerns about sustainability and the impact of the economic situation, as well as the legal context. The emergence of ChatGPT as a new form of artificial intelligence might promise much, but it may misuse others’ content, Deloitte argues in its outlook for Telecoms, Media and Technology, or TMT.