Tax experts anxiously await clarity on ATAD-3 text
Luxembourg’s financial sector has faced a wave of tax avoidance legislation in recent years. But the impact of the earlier measures is likely to pale in comparison to the EU’s latest – the third Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive, known as the “Unshell directive”. Luxembourg tax specialists are anxious about its potential impact on the widespread use of shell companies, often known as ‘special purpose vehicles’, in Luxembourg company structures.
Reverse hybrid rules playing major role in funds
The Luxembourg government clarified its application of the reverse hybrid rule in the EU’s second anti-tax avoidance directive (ATAD-2) last November, in 2022. It made clear that tax-exempt investors are exempt from the application of the reverse hybrid rules and clarified when they do apply to other investors. With the “quite helpful” clarification bringing simplification in one area, the quest for certainty has moved to related issues, such as allocating the potential tax burden if a given investor triggers it.