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BNP Paribas Asset Management (“BNPP AM”) is de vermogensbeheerder van BNP Paribas, een van Europa’s meest vooraanstaande bankgroepen met een internationaal bereik. Duurzaamheid is verankerd in de strategie en de beleggingsbeslissingen van BNPP AM. Als een van de leiders in thematisch beleggen in Europa draagt BNPP AM bij aan de energietransitie, duurzaamheid van het milieu en de bevordering van gelijkheid en inclusieve groei.

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Joost Höppener 
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T: +31 20 5275 223 
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BNP Paribas Asset Management

BNP Paribas AM: On track for interest-rate normalisation

The first few months of 2018 have brought confirmation of continued synchronised above-trend global economic growth, lifting the long shadow cast by the Great Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008/09, dissipating the deflationary risks that have weighed on developed economies in recent years and putting central banks on the path towards interest-rate normalisation.

BNP Paribas AM - US equities and inflation: It’s all good now

The publication, on 2 February, of a non-farm payrolls report showing the biggest jump in wage gains since the end of the Great Financial Crisis, signalling a pick-up in US inflation, prompted a 10% correction in the S&P 500 equity index. After a rally throughout 2017 amid low volatility, this was – some would say – a healthy injection of volatility into financial markets.

BNP Paribas AM: Optimising cash management via the money market and short-term bonds

What are the options for managing cash in the current environment of mostly negative interest rates? Philippe Renaudin, Head of the Money-Market team at BNP Paribas Asset Management, and Patrick Barbe, Head of the Euro Bond team, believe that it is still possible to generate competitive returns through active management and opportunistic investment strategies.