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BNP Paribas Asset Management (“BNPP AM”) is de vermogensbeheerder van BNP Paribas, een van Europa’s meest vooraanstaande bankgroepen met een internationaal bereik. Duurzaamheid is verankerd in de strategie en de beleggingsbeslissingen van BNPP AM. Als een van de leiders in thematisch beleggen in Europa draagt BNPP AM bij aan de energietransitie, duurzaamheid van het milieu en de bevordering van gelijkheid en inclusieve groei.

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BNP Paribas Asset Management

BNPP IP: That was the year that was – Investors’ Corner’s list of the buzzwords of 2015

The end of the year is often a time of lists. It is also a time to look back as well as ahead and wonder what of 2015 will recur in 2016. Each year brings its own particular crop of words and vocabulary which reflect events or particular themes – in short, the prevailing ‘Zeitgeist’. As avid followers of what’s going on in the financial services industry and asset management in particular, here are some of the buzzwords that strike us as reflecting the events and themes of 2015 in asset management.

BNPP IP: Ahead of COP21: greenhouse gas emissions

As the world’s countries gather in Paris for the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to discuss action to tackle climate change, here is a reminder of where countries and regions stand in terms of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and by implication which countries and regions can make the largest contributions to reducing GHGs and limit global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius.

BNPP IP: Biodiversity is on the decline – welcome to the Anthropocene

The human population continues to grow. At the same time the standard of living in many emerging countries is improving and consumption habits are becoming identical to those in developed countries, with new technologies introduced at breakneck speed, a dominance of disposable products and feeble rates of waste recycling.

BNPP IP: 6.53% is the new figure for China

The fifth plenum of the 18th Communist Party Congress concluded on 29 October 2015. One headline outcome was the abolition of the one-child policy, a major step towards better-balanced demographics. However, for us, the most significant announcement was the annual GDP growth rate target of at least 6.53% in the next five years to meet the government’s goal of establishing a “moderately prosperous society”.