Nordea AM : Sustainable real assets make cities smart
Environmental and societal issues increasingly challenge cities. Sustainable infrastructure and real estate are essential in addressing them.
Nordea AM: Positioning Stable Equities to combat higher inflation
Portfolio manager Claus Vorm believes the most successful companies in 2023 will be those with steady earnings and robust balance sheets, which can be stabilising forces against economic weakness and rising rates.
Nordea AM: Social Bonds emerge from the shadow of green bonds
Social bonds and investments in the “S-pillar” of ESG in particular will play a more significant role for investors overall. In the case of social bonds, the terms of issue specify in which social projects the capital proceeds are invested.
Nordea AM: Why ESG doomsayers will be disappointed in 2023 and beyond
After years of seemingly unstoppable momentum behind ESG, the sustainable investment space witnessed heightened debate in 2022.
Nordea AM: Alternative approaches to balance risk
Investors have experienced periods of market turbulence since the global financial crisis. Fortunately, the dips were temporary on each occasion, and the buying trend for stocks and bonds resumed.
Nordea AM : Opportunities in a confused economy
A slowing economy naturally has downside effects on financial markets. However, it also offers investment opportunities: from more attractively valued fixed income sub segments to cheaper companies with robust cash flows.
Nordea AM : Why stability is set for the spotlight in 2023
Investors will look back fondly on the decade following the global financial crisis, as unprecedented monetary stimulus and low interest rates powered one of the most fruitful periods in history for markets – particularly for growth-related equities.
Nordea AM : Het begin van een duurzame revolutie in real assets
Om de afhankelijkheid van fossiele brandstoffen en het energieverbruik te verminderen, moeten we meer hernieuwbare en alternatieve energie opwekken en energie-efficiënter worden.
Nordea AM : Bescherming van vermogen in onrustige tijden
Beleggers hebben een moeilijk jaar nu de financiële markten een van de moeilijkste periodes in jaren doormaken. Inflatie in combinatie met renteverhogingen door centrale banken zorgen voor onrust bij beleggers en portefeuillebeheerders.
Nordea AM: Engagement-inspanningen zijn cruciaal nu focus op 'greenwashing' toeneemt
Het inzicht van de beleggingsindustrie in ESG en duurzaamheid is de afgelopen jaren geëvolueerd, waardoor het steeds duidelijker wordt dat de vaak geclaimde keuze tussen uitsluiting en engagement een misvatting is.