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Storebrand Asset Management is part of the Storebrand Group, managing NOK 1200 billion of assets for Nordic and international clients. A key guiding principle in our work is to generate the best possible risk-adjusted returns for our clients, while not compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Storebrand Asset Management has been a pioneer in sustainable investments since the mid-1990s and is a founding signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). We take a holistic and integrated approach to ESG, aiming for real impact and long-term value creation.


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A tale of two markets

On a recent trip to China and India, we were struck by the stark contrast between the two economies. In Hong Kong, Chinese investors voiced concerns about slowing growth and rising debt, while in Delhi, Indian investors were upbeat, driven by the country’s booming economy and growing capital markets.