A downpour of active ETFs, but banks wait for clear skies on performance

While one active ETF after another enters the market, various Dutch banks have yet to add these to their offerings, and pension funds are still adopting a wait-and-see approach. The added value compared to other passive strategies has yet to be proven, particularly in the form of a track record.

Fed eases Basel III capital requirements after bank lobbying efforts

The Federal Reserve has announced plans to substantially ease the capital requirements for large US banks, marking a significant shift in the implementation of Basel III standards. This pivot reflects the struggle regulators face in balancing the need for financial stability with the competitiveness of banks.

Nomad millionaires are on the move again

Nomadic millionaires increasingly relocate in response to structural changes in the global economy. It means the UK and the Netherlands will millionaires move to other parts of the world by 2028, according to a report by UBS. Luxembourg, meanwhile, remains the country with the biggest number of millionaires per capita, says the Swiss bank.