Cryptos, highly undesirable alternative liquidity

Cryptocurrencies are causing the European Central Bank increasing concern. This exotic market segment operates outside the domain of central banks and, according to specialists, can undermine monetary and financial stability. This form of alternative liquidity is a highly undesirable development, according to Sylvester Eijffinger, emeritus professor of financial economics at Tilburg University and visiting professor at Harvard University’s economics department.

ALFI: Industry pleased with limited AIFMD reform proposals

The reaction to recent European Commission proposals for AIFMD II reform from Luxembourg finance industry participants was positive. On the whole, changes have been kept to a minimum. For Luxembourg this means the alternative fund industry’s current business model does need to change, but the country will have to manage some more back-office tasks, and needs to ensure some more substance.

Which bank you invest with matters

There is still no uniform European investor protection as envisaged by MiFID II, according to research conducted by Ronald Janssen of Ortec Finance and Tom Loonen of the Free University of Amsterdam in a survey of 25 European private banks. Their research shows that private banks in Europe have different approaches to the concept of Know Your Customer (KYC) and use different levels of detail in implementing it. Also, that none of the banks has a fully digitalised process.