La pause des taux d'intérêt alimente la volatilité, mais récompense les investisseurs

Selon une étude, les longues périodes pendant lesquelles la Fed a maintenu les taux d’intérêt à un niveau stable ont été marquées par des rendements exceptionnellement bons, tant pour les actions que pour les obligations. Les investisseurs s’attendent à une évolution similaire cette année, même si tout ne se passera probablement pas sans heurts.

‘Equities are a lost cause. Don’t trust this rally.’

While interest rates in the bond market are rising uninhibitedly, the stock market may be in a dead-cat bounce, or a «sucker-rally». Some market specialists do not trust the rally and declare equities «a lost cause». In terms of allocations, the traditional appeal of a 60-40 portfolio appears to make a comeback now that the ‘earnings yield spread’ between stocks and bonds is narrowing.

The ECB should learn from the Fed

Forget all those bars of gold that are heavily guarded because they are incredibly valuable. Credibility is the most valuable asset for a central bank. It is the monetary version of what goodwill is to a company. In this respect, the ECB could learn a lot from the Fed. An analysis.

The more credible a central bank is, the more effective its policy is. With high credibility, a central bank needs to do less actual work to achieve the desired result: bludgeoning inflation. More words, and less action, so to say.

El-Erian: ‘The cleanest dirty shirt is in the US’

With economic growth slowing down in all three of the world’s major economies, investors are best advised to opt for the geographical region with the least messy outlook, leading international economist Mohammed El-Erian has told a Nordic conference. “The cleanest dirty shirt is in the US.”

Despite hawkish Fed, markets believe pivot is near

Unlike the Federal Reserve itself, investors believe the “Fed pivot” moment is approaching rapidly. Forward swaps point to a peak in interest rates of up to five per cent. Some market experts however are “uncomfortable” with the view and don’t exclude a level of six percent of the US benchmark.