Authorised roles: Increased costs, questionable benefits

A thriving fund industry rests on the foundation of a robust regulatory framework, assuring investors that their assets will be safeguarded against misappropriation. Nevertheless, the pursuit of greater protection often accompanies higher fees, prompting investors to scrutinise regulatory requirements for tangible and effective outcomes.

Roadblocks in asset management software procurement

The typical reasons that prompt asset managers to acquire new software often include recommendations from regulators following an onsite visit or the realisation that their current resources cannot efficiently handle projected workloads. These decisions are predominantly reactive, seldom proactive, writes Gregory Kennedy in his latest column for Investment Officer Luxembourg.

Single click compliance: APIs can ease the reporting burden

The future of supervisory reporting by investment funds - Luxembourg is home to some 14,000 of them - is embedded into a firm’s technology infrastructure.

One example of this development is taking shape in Luxembourg, where a local data firm that was acquired by a London-based fund data specialist last year is building a one-stop solution that lets fund managers track the distribution of their funds in multiple countries and report to the relevant supervisors by pressing a single button.