Whitepaper: Real Estate Social Investment Framework
When we mention and analyse “ESG” we believe strongly that it is wrong to ignore the ‘’S’’, the Social component as it has long term financial materiality. In this short paper we explore this important and often overlooked task in detail.
Livre blanc: Libérer le potentiel du capital naturel
Curieux de savoir ce qu’est le capital naturel et comment investir dans cette classe d’investissement émergente ? Téléchargez notre livre blanc pour en savoir plus.
Regenerative farming: can you do well and do good?
The agricultural sector has a central role to play in helping to solve many of the problems currently facing our society from sufficient and healthy food production, to biodiversity loss and global warming.
L'agriculture pour un avenir meilleur: un investissement pas de la philanthropie
Toutefois, la restauration du capital naturel n’a pas à se limiter à la philanthropie.
Case study: impact in action with regenerative farmland
With regenerative farming sustainability goals –such as healthier food, nature recovery or clean water – are being met. In one of our investment projects we helped to secure a sustainable future for the Koala population in Australia.
L’agriculture pour un avenir meilleur: Tour d’horizon de l’agriculture régénératrice
L’agriculture régénératrice se distingue des autres systèmes d’agriculture en ce sens où elle cible des résultats quantitatifs et mesurables, sans pour autant imposer de manière dogmatique la façon dont ces résultats doivent être atteints.
The role of bond markets in financing the transitions
Watch our recent interview with Andreas Hoepner, a renowned Professor in Operational risk, Banking & Finance, to learn the most crucial regulatory changes that investors should be aware of and how credit investors can effectively navigate these changes to make a meaningful impact.
Zooming into the S of ESG
The ‘S’ in ESG is often overlooked by companies. But what does it really mean and how do we incorporate it into the investment process?
Pathway to a sustainable base
Engagement with the ‘laggers’, to bring them to a higher level of ambition, is what has the most impact on the sustainability of the sector and the planet. Five examples tell the story of systematic engagement.
Les investisseurs en crédit peuvent-ils vraiment avoir un impact significatif ?
En tant que gestionnaires actifs, nous croyons à l’importance de s’engager auprès des entreprises dans lesquelles nous investissons pour favoriser la transition vers une économie durable.