Podcast: le point de vue de VW sur le virage positif opéré après le « dieselgate »
La stratégie Kempen Crédit Euro est investie dans Volkswagen depuis 2008. La réputation de l’entreprise n’est pas sans tache et a été confrontée à plusieurs problèmes de durabilité, dont le plus important est le scandale des émissions dit dieselgate.
Webinaire ‘Alpha par le contrôle’ – un travail d’équipe
Les marchés du crédit sont notoirement imprévisibles et générer des performances financières régulières sur le long terme est une tâche ardue pour tout investisseur dans les obligations d’entreprises. Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur notre approche?
The role of control and discipline in credit investing
Generally speaking more control results in fewer surprises on the road, in sport, in life generally and so too in investing - For this reason control is one of the core drivers of our approach to investing in our sustainable euro credit strategy.
Investing in the materials transition
Next to the energy transition, there are two other transitions on which Van Lanschot Kempen wants to focus. These are the food transition and the materials transition. But how should you invest in these transitions?
Sustainability in action on Biodiversity
Due human activity biodiversity has been declining faster in the past few decades than what would be considered natural. This development threatens human survival and also impacts Van Lanschot Kempen as wealth manager as well as our clients.
Infrastructure: The Powerful Impact of Climate Change on Companies
The impact a company can have on the environment is evident, but how can climate change impact a company? In the following video, Jags Walia, Senior Portfolio Manager of the Infrastructure fund, will talk about the impact of climate change on companies and why it is important to factor in for infrastructure investors.
Analysis: sustainable stocks hold up in the face of sharply rising carbon price
Investors rarely take the price of CO2 into account when making investment decisions. However, a sharp rise in pricing could have a major impact on equity markets.
Sustainability in Action: How to navigate through the transitions?
Our planet is threatened by the way we produce and consume. This calls for a global transition to a more sustainable economy. For Van Lanschot Kempen a major priority is to help our clients navigate through these transitions.
Kempen Macro Outlook 2023
Europe is facing a challenging year due to expected economic contraction, the US is likely to show only modest growth and China will no longer achieve its own ambitions for growth. Six forecasts about the world economy.
Kempen webinar: Quality + Sustainability offers the best way to find ‘true’ value
The huge paradigm shift towards the sustainable economy has transformed the way we define and value potential investments. Find out how we look at quality, sustainability and how our proprietary investment process helps us identify long-term winners.