Alfi supports more lenient ‘opt-up’ rules for retail investors

Luxembourg’s fund industry supports the introduction in new EU retail finance legislation of more lenient ‹opt-up’ criteria for retail clients that would give them the same status as professional clients. At the same time, it opposes the creation of a new category of semi-professional investors.

EU agrees new CSRD rules in attempt to stop green-washing

The European Council and the European Parliament have taken an important step towards the implementation of a new sustainability reporting system in Europe. It concerns the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, or CSRD, which requires companies to have their reported sustainability information independently verified.

Les nouvelles règles de l'UE en matière de rapports mettent fin à l'"écoblanchiment"

Le Conseil européen et le Parlement européen ont fait un pas important vers la mise en œuvre d’un nouveau système de rapports sur la durabilité en Europe. Elle concerne la directive sur les rapports de durabilité des entreprises (CSRD). Elle exige que les entreprises fassent vérifier de manière indépendante les informations qu’elles communiquent sur la durabilité.

CSSF clarifies new rules for financial sector outsourcing

New rules, new details and a new terminology regarding financial sector outsourcing are being introduced by Luxembourg’s financial regulator CSSF with the presentation of its widely discussed ‹circular 22/806›. These changes, with significant consequences for the use of IT and cloud services, bring greater clarity within the  regulatory framework.

Green funds: ‘omission’ in AIFMD2 will hurt impact funds

Alarmed efforts by European green and microfinance fund providers, led by Dutch firms Triodos and ASN, to get the European Commission to rectify what looks like an omission in its proposed investment fund legislation risk being dismissed as «small beer» and may be overlooked. “We have to keep making noise.”

EU Taxonomy at risk as MEPs reject nuclear, gas

Members of the European Parliament on Tuesday rejected a proposal by the European Commission to treat nuclear energy and natural gas as sustainable economic activities. If the vote is confirmed by absolute majority in the July 7 plenary meeting, the Commission’s proposal to update the EU taxonomy for sustainable activities will be sent back to the drawing board.

The EU’s Capital Markets Union: ready for the next push

It’s been nearly a decade since the European Commission set out its ambitious plans for a Capital Markets Union (CMU), diversifying sources of funding in Europe’s economy. Progress so far has been slow and Brussels now has conceded it needs help to persuade member states and its citizens of its merits before it can make another push