Esma faces uphill battle to emerge as European SEC
In an interview with Investment Officer, Esma chair Verena Ross outlined her vision and the significant challenges ahead as the regulatory body aims to become Europe’s equivalent to the US SEC.
Are regulations stifling investor appetite?
Are EU regulations making investing bland? Gregory Kennedy explores the balance between safety and innovation, and why investors crave flavourful returns.
Première amende SFDR pour « non-conformité en matière de durabilité »
Les experts juridiques alertent sur l’intensification des efforts des régulateurs pour lutter contre l’écoblanchiment. À la fin de l’année dernière, la première amende a été infligée pour non-respect du règlement européen sur la publication d’informations en matière de durabilité (SFDR).
Aviva fine marks start of SFDR enforcement era in Europe
As Europe’s watchdogs tighten scrutiny on Article 8 funds, managers must now defend their classifications or risk being challenged across EU markets.
Luxembourg pressed to tighten controls on terrorist financing
Luxembourg’s financial watchdogs are stepping up their scrutiny of terrorist financing amid concerns that the Grand Duchy’s status as an international financial hub makes it vulnerable to abuse by illicit actors.
CSSF aims to set benchmark for AI-based supervision in EU
Luxembourg’s financial supervisor, the CSSF, is charting new territory with its ambitious adoption of sovereign cloud infrastructure and artificial intelligence.
La procureure générale alerte sur l’arriéré des affaires de criminalité financière
Martine Solovieff, procureure générale du Luxembourg, exprime ses inquiétudes face aux difficultés persistantes du pays dans la lutte contre la criminalité financière, pointant comme obstacles majeurs la surcharge de dossiers et le manque de personnel.
La cybersécurité n’est pas une question de technologie, mais d’organisation
Les pannes et interruptions qui ont affecté le secteur financier ce mois-ci sont révélatrices, si besoin était, des faiblesses inhérentes à la dépendance aux technologies. Une loi telle que DORA montre toutefois, selon les experts, une certaine maturité en ce qui concerne l’anticipation de ce genre de problèmes.
Banque Havilland’s demise opens old wounds in Luxembourg
Banque Havilland, once a discreet player in the European private banking sector, is now caught in a severe regulatory storm. This case has also reignited old tensions related to the 2009 sale of Icelandic bank Kaupthing’s Luxembourg unit to the Rowland family, the financiers behind Banque Havilland.
Regulators push Banque Havilland out of business in Europe
Banque Havilland, a Luxembourg-headquartered private bank controlled by Prince Andrew’s longtime financial adviser David Rowland, has effectively been put out of business in Europe following a coordinated clamp-down by EU regulators amid persistent governance and money laundering issues.