Bank supervisor Claude Wampach: ‘The market is always right’

Now that the initial dust on SVB’s collapse has settled, one of Europe’s top bank supervisors has a clear message for investors, bankers and financial market participants: banks in Luxembourg and elsewhere in Europe are safe and sound thanks to stringent supervision. “If rates were to still increase, our banks would not sustain losses up to a level that would put their solvency into question,” said Claude Wampach, who serves as director of banking supervision at Luxembourg’s financial regulator CSSF, speaking to Investment Officer.

SVB crash: ECB underlines concerns over interest rates risks

Answering questions about the bank run on Silicon Valley Bank, the European Central Bank on Sunday underlined concerns over how European banks handle increasing interest rates. The ECB reiterated that a recent review found weaknesses at banks, including ignoring consumer behaviour shifts that could lead to deposit withdrawals when rates rise. «Beyond a certain point, it could become an issue,» ECB chief bank supervisor Andrea Enria said in a Latvian interview last week.

CSSF issues fines Intertrust over poor governance

Luxembourg’s financial regulator the CSSF announced last Friday afternoon that it had fined trust and corporate services provider Intertrust (Luxembourg) S.à r.l. nearly 200,000 euros at the end of last November for several failings. This included meeting professional obligations for IT risks as well as internal governance, the professional secrecy obligation and for required communication to the regulator. 

CSSF fines Degroof Petercam €1.56 mln for AML ‘deficiencies’

Financial supervisor CSSF has issued a fine of 1.56 million euros to the Luxembourg unit of Belgian bank Degroof Petercam after it found the firm to be in “non-compliance with its professional obligations” in regards to anti-money laundering measures.

Degroof, in a press release, pointed out that the CSSF inspection “did not reveal any illegal acts” but found “certain deficiencies” in the bank’s processes.

Cybersecurity problems worsened by lack of qualified staff

L’annonce faite par les agences de cybersécurité luxembourgeoises la semaine dernière, selon laquelle quelque 500 serveurs Microsoft Exchange «nécessitent une attention immédiate», a été reprise par le régulateur financier, la CSSF. Un expert international reconnu en matière de cybersécurité a établi un lien avec la difficulté de trouver les meilleurs talents en matière de cybersécurité au Luxembourg. «La difficulté que rencontrent les Luxembourgeois, et certainement les clients avec lesquels nous discutons, qui veulent travailler avec nous mais ne l’ont pas encore fait, est qu’ils ne trouvent pas les compétences nécessaires”, a déclaré George Ralph (photo) de Richard Fleishmann and Associates.

Cyber: CSSF echos ‘alarming’ warning on server updates

La CSSF, l’autorité de surveillance financière du Luxembourg, a attiré l’attention vendredi sur un avertissement des autorités de cybersécurité du Grand-Duché, selon lequel une «situation alarmante» a été créée parce que plus de 500 serveurs informatiques n’ont pas encore été mis à jour avec un correctif logiciel critique pour les serveurs Microsoft Exchange.

CSSF held back Alter Domus fine announcement for a year

Luxembourg’s financial supervisor CSSF this week announced that it, at the end of 2021,  presented management company Alter Domus with a fine of 174,000 euro relating to the collapsed Columna Commodities fund. 

This Luxembourg fund, created in 2013, went into liquidation in 2017, a year before the sale of its manager, Luxembourg Fund Partners, or LFP, to Alter Domus. CSSF said the fine was issued on 1 December 2021, more than a year ago.