Bearmarkten trotseren: 5 lessen van doorgewinterde beleggers
De belangrijkste lessen van ervaren beleggers van Capital Group op een rijtje.
Capital Group | Can U.S. midterm elections move the market? 5 charts to watch
Do midterm elections have any effect on equity markets? To find out, we examined more than 90 years of data and found that the answer is …
Capital Group | Rising yields put bond markets back on a road to normal
Rising inflation and slowing global growth are two dominant themes casting a pall over the current market environment. A period of global stagflation could potentially be on the horizon.
Capital Group | Is the US economy already in recession?
Is the US economy in recession or not? That’s the question on the minds of many investors as US gross domestic product (GDP) declined for two consecutive quarters in the first half of the year, a commonly cited definition of recession.
4 redenen waarom de gezondheidssector leidend kan zijn in de volgende bullmarkt
De innovatie in de gezondheidssector is aan het versnellen. Kunnen bedrijven in de gezondheidszorg leidend zijn in de volgende bullmarkt?
Capital Group: Bevindt de VS zich al in een recessie?
Vooruitzichten voor de Amerikaanse economie en markten.
Capital Group | Braving bear markets: 5 lessons from seasoned investors
Stock markets around the world have entered bear territory but “Declines create opportunities for investors who remain calm. If we make good decisions in times of stress, we can potentially set up the next several years for strong returns.”
Capital Group: Q2 Fixed income perspectives
Macro- en marktinzichten van Capital Group’s fixed income team op kwartaalbasis.
Capital Group | Rob Lovelace on all-weather investing
The world has changed.
We are living through a pivotal time in history, marked by geopolitical realignment, high inflation, volatile financial markets and the end of a 40-year period of declining interest rates.
Capital Group: Veerkrachtige portefeuilles opbouwen in tijden van inflatie
Hoe kunnen beleggers veerkracht in hun portefeuilles opbouwen, zodat ze op koers blijven om hun langetermijndoelstellingen te halen?