Capital Group | Outlook for bonds: What to know as Fed fears hit markets
The path to higher interest rates is painful, but it should ultimately benefit bond investors over the long haul.
Capital Group | Outlook for equities: Time to pursue all-weather investing
With economic storm clouds obscuring the outlook for global growth, investors may want to prepare their portfolios for ongoing market volatility.
Capital Group: Focus op inflatie - wat kunnen beleggers verwachten?
Hoe kan de inflatie zich de komende maanden en jaren kan ontwikkelen, wat doet de inflatie per regio stijgen en wat moeten centrale banken doen om deze weer naar beneden te krijgen?
Capital Group | Pandemic, war and climate change sharpen focus on ESG
While COVID-19 helped accelerate the ESG agenda, the tragic invasion of Ukraine is likely to further speed up its evolution.
Capital Group | Air travel is taking off again
As the global economy gradually emerges from the pandemic, airports around the world are dealing with a crush of passengers looking to make up for lost time.
Capital Group: berichten over de ondergang van globalisering zijn sterk overdreven
Het kan jaren duren voordat de beleggingsimplicaties van een veranderende globalisering duidelijk worden.
Capital Group: bij stijgende volatiliteit is saai mooi
In 2022 zijn de belangrijkste technologieaandelen volatiel geweest. Voorzichtige beleggers zouden zich beter kunnen richten op bedrijven uit de oude economie met bewezen groei.
Capital Group | When volatility is rising, boring is beautiful
This is one of the most complex environments for investing we have seen in years. Hence, looking to invest in an ‘all weather portfolio’ with the potential to withstand a variety of potential risks sounds like reasonable.
Capital Group: Q1 Fixed Income Perspectives
Macro- en marktinzichten van Capital Group’s fixed income team op kwartaalbasis.
Capital Group | Decarbonisation of the aviation industry
Despite efforts across the aviation industry to reduce CO2 emissions, the path to net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions remains challenging. Capital Group’s ESG team examined various scenarios for potential decarbonisation pathways to 2050.