Imbalance between private and public markets troubles investors

Private market investments have become overweight in institutional portfolios following this year’s substantial declines in public markets. Half of investors are waiting “as long as necessary” for this dislocation to subside. The other half is concerned, a new survey by Bfinance shows. The report is of particular interest to Luxembourg, where interest in private assets and alternative investments has increased significantly in recent years.

Orcadia sees growth potential in Belgian pension funds

Orcadia Asset Management, active in the Benelux and France, has surpassed the 1.1 billion euro mark in assets under management. This allows the asset manager to operate profitably from Luxembourg. “Mergers and acquisitions in the Belgian landscape only make sense if there is a cultural match.”

CSSF-ABBL survey: Luxembourg bank clients prefer savings

Luxembourg’s bank clients remained conservative in 2021, keeping nearly all - or 80 percent - of their assets in savings, even when interest rates are low, a survey conducted jointly by the Luxembourg bank association ABBL and financial regulator CSSF shows.

This survey showed a significant increase in deposits and in the number of loans granted. It also confirmed underlying trends such as the increasing use of online services. The figures for employment and the number of customers remain stable. 

« Les fusions et acquisitions n'ont de sens que s'il y a adéquation »

Orcadia Asset Management a franchi la barre des 1,1 milliard d’euros d’actifs sous gestion. Cela permet au gestionnaire d’actifs d’opérer de manière rentable à partir du Luxembourg. « Les fusions et acquisitions dans le paysage belge n’ont de sens que s’il y a des affinités culturelles. »