Sport is the new eye candy for family offices and private equity
Ultra-rich families are increasingly casting their eye on sports as an asset class. According to Goldman Sachs, interest is fuelled by rising valuations and lucrative media contracts.
« Nous sommes de bons intendants »
Avec plus de 70 milliards d’euros sous gestion, AG peut se targuer d’être le plus grand assureur de Belgique. Ce capital est géré par Wim Vermeir, Chief Investment Officer, et son équipe. Nous nous sommes entretenus avec lui au sujet des sources de revenus alternatives pendant la période de taux d’intérêt extrêmement bas, ainsi que de sa passion de longue date pour l’ESG.
Luxembourg’s financial script fuels global indie films
Luxembourg fund vehicles are increasingly being used to finance international independent film production.
Finalisation du rachat de Degroof Petercam, « un projet enthousiasmant »
Indosuez Wealth Management vient de finaliser le rachat de Degroof Petercam. Cette alliance donne naissance à un nouveau leader européen de la gestion de fortune, avec quelque 200 milliards d’euros d’actif clients.
Le rachat de Degroof Petercam renforce la présence de Crédit Agricole, sa société mère, en Belgique et dégage des « synergies importantes avec les différents métiers du Groupe », a déclaré Indosuez Wealth Management mardi soir dans un communiqué de presse.
Defining ‘value for money’ bewilders asset managers
Asset managers are expressing concerns over the European Commission’s lack of a clear definition for «value for money,» arguing its subjective nature complicates the assessment of investment service costs amidst new regulatory pressures.
Degroof Petercam net profit down 26% as taxes, one-off costs bite
Degroof Petercam, Belgium’s largest private bank, on Wednesday reported a double-digit decline in its full year net profit because of one-time costs related to sale of a majority stake to France’s Credit Agricole group and due to higher tax pressure.
Addressing its business performance, the firm said its private banking business improved due to higher interest rates, while its asset management and corporate finance activities faced declines in revenues.
AML efforts stymied by lack of qualified staff, PwC finds
Despite constant new regulations and sophisticated technology, one of the main reasons why money-launderers and terrorism financiers continue to succeed is a simple lack of qualified personnel able to make effective use of such tools, according to a recent survey carried out in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region by global accounting firm PwC.
« L’investissement thématique est une erreur impardonnable »
Les ETF continuent de gagner des parts de marché et les fonds à gestion passive font désormais partie intégrante de la gestion d’actifs. Investment Officer a interrogé trois experts indépendants pour connaître leur point de vue concernant l’évolution du marché des ETF ainsi que les préoccupations des clients.
Oddo’s Eltif2 fund targets energy storage, water treatment
Paris-based Oddo BHF Asset Management has announced the launch its first European Long-Term Investment Fund. The fund is called the Oddo BHF Commit for Tomorrow Eltif and is structured in line with the Eltif 2.0 regulation, designed to open up private equity to a wider group of investors.
EU retail investment strategy spurs industry reflection on value
The amended EU proposals for a retail investment strategy have spurred asset managers to reflect on the value the offer for the money that they take, it beame clear at a Luxembourg discussion at the ALFI conference.