« Nous avons porté notre analyse d’investissement à un niveau supérieur »

« Lors de la chasse aux talents organisée par la Vlaamse Federatie van Beleggers (Fédération flamande des investisseurs), nous avons présenté notre idée d’investissement à un public d’investisseurs expérimentés. Cela nous a motivés à aller encore plus loin », déclarent Carlo Follesa et Timo Nuyttens, lauréats du concours. 

La différence entre le marketing et la véritable durabilité

Les ESG et l’impact investing sont devenus incontournables pour les investisseurs. Quoique servant de nobles causes, ces investissements soulèvent toujours de nombreuses questions car ils manquent de paramètres clairs. Aussi, une table ronde à ce sujet avec des observateurs de première ligne n’est pas inopportune. Julien Bras, gérant obligataire chez Allianz Global Investors, Nicolas Crochet, cofondateur de Funds for Good et Laurent Misonne, Managing Director chez J.

IO Talks from the European Asset Management Conference

Investment Officer spoke to a range of actors in Luxembourg asset services and alternative investments universum during Alfi’s 2023 European Asset Management conference. This playlist brings all interviews together. It includes, among others, Silke Bernard at Linklaters, Micaela Forelli at M&G, Denis Harty at Waystone Luxembourg and Emmanuel Gutton at Alfi.

IO Talks: Alfi’s Emmanuel Gutton on Eltif 2.0 in Luxembourg

At this week’s Alfi European Asset Management Conference in Luxembourg, Emmanuel Gutton, Alfi’s director of legal and tax, spoke to Investment Officer’s Raymond Frenken for this IO Talks Podcast about European Long Term Investment Funds, a new type of investment fund known as Eltifs that opens the door to private equity and alternatives to a wider group of investors, in particular wealth management clients and the “retail plus” segment.  Luxembourg is keen to become a European ánd global hub for these funds.

Luxembourg initiative plans expert groups on Ukraine recovery

As an international financial hub, Luxembourg is seen as well positioned to play a key role in talks about strengthening and financing the recovery of Ukraine’s economy once the war is over. A Luxembourg roundtable, scheduled for 22 February, will discuss Luxembourg’s potential role and seeks to create a number of expert-based working groups.  (Free to read)

Séminaire web de Morningstar et IO sur le reporting ESG

L’ISR suscite un intérêt croissant. Mais ceux qui cherchent à séduire les investisseurs sur ce sujet doivent répondre à deux questions : comment les facteurs de durabilité affectent-ils les rendements ? Et comment les choix d’investissement affectent-ils le monde ?  Parce que des réglementations de plus en plus strictes ont porté le reporting ESG à un point d’ébullition.

Sustainability: ‘Private asset managers are privileged’

When it comes to enhancing the economic value chain in terms of sustainability and financing the energy transition, the private assets sector is well positioned as an actor that can help deliver the changes that are needed to keep growth sustainable, a Luxembourg panel on net-zero investments was told on Wednesday. 

‘There are capital calls that have not been met’

The exact impact on private asset values of this year’s declines on global stock and bond markets has yet to be determined, but already some family offices are concerned about the shifts in their portfolios. “There are capital calls that have not been met,” a UBS banker told the Alfi conference on Tuesday.

Morningstar-IO Benelux Webinar: Good Practices in ESG Reporting

Morningstar and Investment Officer Luxembourg invite you to join us online on Thursday 1 December 2020 at 15 CET for the “Good Practices in ESG Reporting” interactive online debate. 

A panel of sustainable finance experts from financial institutions and authorities in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg will debate good practices in ESG reporting for investors and asset managers.