Luxembourg’s Euro MTF bourse offers trading in Macao securities
The Luxembourg stock exchange on Tuesday said it will offer trading in Macao-listed securities on its self-regulated Euro MTF market. Close to two billion euro in Macao bonds will be dual-listed on the two exchanges. China, which controls Macao, sees the cooperation as part of its One Belt-One Road initiative.
The bourse said it has signed an agreement with representatives of Macao and China to extend its cooperation to securities listed on the Chongwa (Macao) Financial Asset Exchange Co. Ltd., a market known as MOX.
Police raid AC Milan’s holding companies in Luxembourg
In a dawn raid on Friday, Luxembourg judicial authorities searched for documents of two holding companies in relation to last year’s 1.2 billion euro sale of Italian football club AC Milan to a US-based sports investment fund. The sale is still contested by a third Luxembourg holding company, Blue Skye Financial Partners, which owned a small minority stake in AC Milan.
DPAM et Korys font leur entrée chez Incofin
La société belge d’investissement d’impact Incofin Investment Management lève de nouveaux capitaux auprès de ses nouveaux actionnaires Degroof Petercam Asset Management (DPAM) et Korys.
Leleux : notre nouveau service est une machine de guerre
Le nouveau service de Leleux Associated Brokers promet de simplifier la vie des gestionnaires de portefeuille indépendants, en leur proposant une solution « tout-en-un » qui leur permettra de gérer plus efficacement les avoirs de leurs clients.
« Nous voulons multiplier notre clientèle au moins par dix à long terme »
« Chez Mexem, nous nous distinguons par une combinaison de prix compétitifs et d’un bon service. En tant que courtier innovant, nous misons également sur les nouvelles tendances telles que l’investissement fractionné et social », explique Jamory Leysner, Manager Europe chez Mexem.
« La gestion active doit se réinventer »
« Ces dernières années, de nombreux fonds actifs ont sous-performé en raison de leurs coûts élevés, mais parfois simplement aussi en raison d’une mauvaise gestion. Les bons gestionnaires doivent offrir à leurs clients une exposition à des facteurs à valeur ajoutée », explique Steven Nuyts, Chief Investment Officer chez FinFactor.
« Nous voulons démocratiser le capital-investissement »
Le capital-investissement (ou Private Equity) est une classe d’actifs habituellement réservée aux investisseurs privés très fortunés ou aux investisseurs institutionnels, mais Private Access, qui vient d’être lancé, est bien déterminé à démocratiser cette classe d’actifs.
ESG investors keep focus on horizon, despite ‘perma-crisis’
The focus on sustainable investing has faded somewhat, with the drumbeat of crisis after crisis recently, and now problems with banks in Switzerland and the United States grabbing the headlines. But listen to anyone focussed on the climate for long and you’ll realise that however bad things are now, it will get much worse. Large investment firms are developing impact investing projects and reaching for the next level in ESG – maintaining biodiversity.
Luxembourg needs a reform of EU social security rules
As Investment Officer knowledge partner, Universal-Investment’s Luxembourg country head Sofia Harrschar argues that reforming the EU regulation on social security would be in the interest of Luxembourg’s financial services sector and the many thousands that it employs. The industry meanwhile, needs to adapt quickly, look across the border and develop new ways of working.
CSSF: 23 of 120 Luxembourg banks not profitable in 2022
Total interest income at Luxembourg’s 120 credit institutions last year surged 39 percent as most banks were able to boost their margins from borrowing and lending activities on the back of higher central bank interest rates, according to data posted by financial supervisor CSSF. The supervisor also said, like last year, that 23 banks in the grand duchy were not profitable.