Amundi and Schroders eye Euro-duration as U.S. managers hold back
Asset managers like Amundi and Schroders are increasingly positioning themselves in longer-dated European government bonds, betting on faster-than-expected rate cuts. Meanwhile, U.S. asset managers are taking a more cautious approach to European duration exposure, highlighting the divergence in market sentiment across the Atlantic.
A downpour of active ETFs, but banks wait for clear skies on performance
While one active ETF after another enters the market, various Dutch banks have yet to add these to their offerings, and pension funds are still adopting a wait-and-see approach. The added value compared to other passive strategies has yet to be proven, particularly in the form of a track record.
Bonds return as an anchor in the portfolio
The diversification advantage of bonds has been restored this year, as inflation has fallen and positive real interest rates have emerged. This is a relief, according to Flavio Carpenzano, Director of Investments at Capital Group, who still describes 2022 as a «worst-case scenario.»
Longue vie au marché haussier !
Le week-end dernier, cela faisait deux ans déjà que le marché des actions est orienté à la hausse. Depuis son point bas du 12 octobre 2022, l’indice mondial MSCI All Countries a grimpé d’environ 50 %, le S&P 500 a progressé de 75 % et le Nasdaq a doublé – tout cela grâce aux Sept Magnifiques, un groupe d’actions qui a pratiquement triplé en valeur au cours de cette période.
Evergreen funds offer flexibility - but at what cost?
Plans to increase Europe’s capital markets capacity hinge on giving retail investors access to private assets, but liquidity remains a sticking point. Evergreen funds, designed to offer investors some liquidity in otherwise illiquid assets, are being touted as a solution.
Asset owners bullish on hedge fund growth, study shows
Institutional investors are predicting significant growth and risk-adjusted returns in the hedge fund sector over the next few years, according to new global research from Beacon Platform Inc., a provider of portfolio analytics and risk management solutions.
La procureure générale alerte sur l’arriéré des affaires de criminalité financière
Martine Solovieff, procureure générale du Luxembourg, exprime ses inquiétudes face aux difficultés persistantes du pays dans la lutte contre la criminalité financière, pointant comme obstacles majeurs la surcharge de dossiers et le manque de personnel.
Lombard Odier : « Les chocs géopolitiques sur les marchés ne sont pas linéaires, la vigilance s’impose »
Les marchés financiers semblent hausser les épaules face à l’escalade militaire au Moyen-Orient. Mais cela n’élimine pas les risques de turbulences boursières, met en garde Nannette Hechler-Fayd’herbe, Chief Investment Officer EMEA de la banque privée suisse Lombard Odier, dans une interview accordée à Investment Officer.
Fund Radar : la Chine tire les bénéfices des fonds d’actions des pays émergents
Les actions chinoises ont connu un rebond sans précédent durant la dernière semaine du troisième trimestre. L’annonce d’une série de mesures de soutien inattendues a permis aux actions chinoises d’enregistrer leur plus forte hausse hebdomadaire depuis 15 ans, contribuant ainsi à la surperformance des marchés émergents sur les trois derniers mois.
Fund Radar: China boosts gains for EM equity funds
Chinese stocks experienced an unprecedented rally in the final week of Q3. A series of unexpected stimulus measures pushed Chinese equities to their largest weekly rise in 15 years, supporting the outperformance of emerging markets compared to developed markets over the past three months.