FCA proposes three labels for ESG funds, 90% threshold
The UK›s Financial Conduct Authority on Wednesday presented its long-awaited proposal for sustainable investment rules, going a step further than similar rules in the EU and US by suggesting three different sustainability labels for investment funds instead of two. And unlike the EU, the FCA now has proposed a 90% threshold for the most sustainable investment funds.
Kempen cuts classification of three sustainability funds
Dutch investment bank Kempen Capital Management has reclassified three of its sustainability funds to “light green” from “dark green/most sustainable” ahead of increasingly stringent requirements that will take effect from 2023 under the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, known as the SFDR.
EU agrees political deal on Eltifs
By agreeing a format that aims to channel more funds towards small and medium-sized companies, the European Union has reached a political agreement that brings the relaunch of European long-term investment funds, a type of investment vehicle known as Eltif, one step closer.
Jean-Paul Servais président du nouveau conseil d'administration d'Iosco
Jean-Paul Servais a été nommé président du conseil d’administration de l’Organisation internationale des commissions de valeurs, ou Iosco, le forum politique international des régulateurs de valeurs mobilières. Il remplace Ashley Alder.
Taxes supplémentaires pour le secteur financier belge
Une mesure budgétaire peu médiatisée impliquant des taxes supplémentaires pour le secteur financier pourrait provoquer une boule de neige de taxes supplémentaires à charge des sociétés d’investissement réglementées belges.
De quelle mesure budgétaire s’agit-il ?
Dans le cadre des dernières mesures budgétaires du gouvernement fédéral, il n’y a pas eu particulièrement de mesures fiscales touchant les produits d’investissement.
CSSF tells funds to keep promises on what they sell to investors
When it comes to ESG and sustainable investing, Luxembourg’s financial regulator is keen to ensure that investment funds will stick to their promises when they sell products that are branded as green and sustainable. More guidance is coming soon, and the regulator plans «a deep compliance check» for the third quarter of 2023.
EU supervisors for markets, energy step up cooperation
To preserve financial stability , EU supervisory agencies for energy markets and for financial markets on Tuesday said they will intensify their cooperation and improve their exchange of information, seeking to avoid potential market abuse in Europe’s energy and derivatives markets.
Esma : les régulateurs nationaux doivent collaborer de manière plus intensive
Les autorités nationales de surveillance financière doivent renforcer leur coopération transfrontalière, selon l’Esma. Le régulateur européen considère qu’il est nécessaire de créer une culture de surveillance commune dans l’UE et reconnaît qu’il doit améliorer sa propre coopération avec les superviseurs nationaux pour y parvenir.
C’est ce qui ressort de la stratégie quinquennale pour 2023-2028 présentée lundi par l’Autorité européenne des marchés financiers (Esma).
‘Ambitious’ Esma wants common supervisory culture in EU
The European Securities and Markets Authority on Monday said it sees a need to create a common supervisory culture in the EU and believes that national financial supervisors need to intensify their horizontal, cross-border cooperation. It also acknowledged that it needs to improve its own cooperation with national supervisory bodies.
EU in no rush to address confusion over greenwashing
As fund managers and investors across the 27 countries in the European Union continue to question the union’s approach to its sustainable finance framework, Brussels has made clear it will take its time before addressing growing confusion over greenwashing. “Greenwashing remains to be defined at the EU level.”