L’épineuse question des investissements dans la défense

Pendant de nombreuses années, il était tabou pour les fonds d’investir dans les fabricants d’armes. Cependant, maintenant que l’accent est mis sur la protection offerte par les armes plutôt que sur les dommages qu’elles causent, elles reviennent sur le devant de la scène en tant qu’investissement. Les gestionnaires de patrimoine craignent de se trouver à la traîne du marché.

Fuchs & Associés fined again, for money laundering, tax fraud

Less than a week before announcing the sale - in September last year - of its asset management services arm, Luxembourg’s troubled investment firm Fuchs & Associés Finance - still in liquidation - was fined €785,000 by the Grand Duchy’s financial supervisor CSSF under laws on the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.

‘There is a barrier towards investing in our own markets’

As home to investors and companies that prefer the allure of American markets over their domestic counterparts, the European Union has arrived at a crossroads. A window of opportunity has arrived for creating a new framework that supports efficient capital markets, creating growth and jobs and enabling retail investors and pension savers meet their long-term financial needs.